Branch +91 01639 251277



I hereby solemnly declare that all the statements made in the above form are true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief. I fully understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, admission of my ward may be cancelled. I also declare that date of birth and spelling of the name of my ward is correctly written in this form. I have carefully read the rules and regulations laid down by the school. I hereby agree to abide by them.

Rules & Regulations Delhi International School, Hoshiarpur

  • 1. School Fee should be deposited from 1st to 10th of every fee month. After that, late fee will be charged.
  • 2. One month's notice has to be given when a student is to be withdrawn, otherwise one month's tuition fees in lieu will be charged.
  • 3. In case of withdrawal, transfer certificate will be released after clearance of all school dues.
  • 4. The school is responsible for the students during school hours only.
  • 5. The students are not allowed to bring blades, crackers, knives etc. or any other material which could cause injury to students, or any costly things in the school.
  • 6. The students can be removed by the school authorities on any of the following reasons.
    • (i) Constant weakness in studies
    • (ii) Irregularity in attendance
    • (iii) Behaviour Problems
    • (iv) Non payment of school dues or non obedience of school rules
    • (v) Students causing damage to school property
    • (vi) Students found indulging in gross indiscipline, or causing physical injury to another student, cheating in exams, Carrying objectionable material, or indulged in any immoral activity.
    • (vii) Non-obeyance or non-cooperation of any school orders either by the students or by the parents.
    • (viii) Indulging in any activity which is against the interest of the school.
  • 7. Registration is no guarantee to admission. The decision of the school authorities will be final.
  • 8. School fee once paid will not refunded.